Hello Friends,
There has been much debate over what is “essential” these days. Before the word essential got so debatable, there was only one nutrient that had it in its name: Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). It is also known as EPA, DHA and DPA, also known as Fish Oil, also known as Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
It is essential for two reasons: first, you need it to survive and second, you need it in your diet because you can’t live without it. You can survive when you are getting insufficient amounts, but when that is the case, it causes all types of symptoms and you can develop an abundance of health issues.
Starting in June, we will be offering a simple test to learn your levels of Omega 3/Essential Fatty Acids. The test will give you recommendations on the amount of fish or supplementation you need daily to get your heart and brain functioning at healthy levels.
Keep your eye out for more details and have a great Memorial Day weekend. Fun is definitely ESSENTIAL these days!
God Bless you all,
Dr. Dan