Recently, I lent my backcountry water filter to my daughter for an upcoming camping trip she was taking. The filter company has a very appropriate name- First Need. No, no, no, contrary to popular belief, the first need is not coffee : )
We talk a lot about nutrition at Francis Chiropractic but one of the first issues to become aware of is the quality and quantity of the water you drink.
Water is actually everyone’s first need because you will easily perish from dehydration before starvation. When scientists are looking for life on other planets what is the first thing they look for? WATER!
It makes up about 2/3 of your body (and fun fact that’s about the same percentage that covers the surface of the world.) Just as ITcleans our external body, it is extremely vital in detoxing our inner body. If you are chronically dehydrated, all the toxins are more concentrated.
It is actually a part of your diet so when you first feel hunger, drink a glass of water. If the hunger goes away you actually were thirsty and this can decrease your appetite.
Some Quick Info:
- Drink enough to keep your urine clear. If it isn’t clear-you need more water!
- If you need flavoring, add a slice of lemon, lime, or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Adding Jake’s Ginger Juice has wonderful medicinal benefits as does adding some Bolthouse Pomegranate Juice. Both juices are great for good gut microbes.
- Watch out for bottled water. Some is actually just bottled in other cities municipal treatment plants.
- Well water in Wisconsin is extremely rich in minerals so drink it up! Get yours checked to make sure it is safe from any local toxins.
- Drink a big glass 20 minutes BEFORE eating. It will hydrate you and fill you up.
- WHILE eating take in just enough to get food down. Less is better so it doesn’t dilute the digestive enzymes.
- Being properly hydrated helps your immune system. Taking a drink of water often lets you swallow microbes which your stomach acid will kill. Rinsing your nasal cavity with water flushes microbes out.
- We add flavor collagen or bone broth for a multitude of extra health benefits.
Cheers to your first need…water!
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