Let’s study nature. What does the king of the jungle eat? The first thing the lion dives into is the organ meats. In fact, if you feed caged lions and tigers only meat, you get really sick lions and tigers.
Why? Because like feeds like. One of my favorite lines to describe Americans is that we are overfed and undernourished. That simply means we get MORE calories than needed and insufficient micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).
The vitamins and minerals are what make all the functions of the body work because with out them, you become diseased. This is why we chose Standard Process as our primary nutritional provider.
They use whole plants and animal parts. Why? Because they realize like feeds like. They also realize that we are not going to eat organ meats like we used to.
There is also a completeness in whole food. Take a naked vitamin like B12, without the synergists that completes it, it doesn’t get absorbed as well as it should. It also cannot function inside the body without the other components that are partnered in its whole food form.
That is why most Standard Process products take some explaining. They tend to be lower dose but higher potency. They feed not force your body.
How to Supplement:
Don’t worry if you are vegetarian or vegans and you don’t want to eat animal parts. They have incredible alternatives to support the vegetarians health that I can help you figure out. In fact, it is even more important for vegetarians to complement their diet because of some nutrients that the diet does not provide.
One perfect example is Ferrofood. It is the finest blood building supplement I have ever seen!
-It has iron but not a high dose.
-The iron is from liver so it has all the complementary nutrients to build up those who are anemic.
-It works quick and it won’t bind you up like just Ferrous sulfate (straight iron). Your body isn’t meant to ingest straight iron, if it was you could just lick a pipe and feel better.
Now the vegetarian by choice can still use this if they aren’t vegetarian for moral or religious reasons. Those who are can still build their blood by taking the vegan alternative is Chlorophyll. Yup. SP gets their Chlorophyll from Tillandsia (Spanish moss) which is the moss hanging in the trees in the deep south. It is an incredible nutrient and is the identical molecule to hemoglobin (the molecule that holds iron so it can bind to oxygen). The only difference is that chlorophyll doesn’t bind to iron, it binds to magnesium which gives it its green color.
They are both great blood builders for anyone with anemia or think they might be anemic. I consider any menstruating woman (especially teens) to be at least mildly anemic.
So take it or eat it…I personally will take it!